Call for KAUPA 40th Anniversary Conference

Korean Studies in the Artificial Intelligence Era:

Multidisciplinary Research by Korean Scholars Transforming the World

Call for Abstracts
Extended Deadline: August 15, 2024
Conference Date: January 23, 2026

Korea’s influence, from the historic “Jikji” to modern K-Culture, resonates globally. Over seven million Koreans abroad have elevated Korea’s standing in diverse fields. Particularly in recent decades, Korean scholars have excelled in technology-driven areas. In this era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Korea emerges as a key player, pioneering innovations that surpass human expectations. However, the collective scholarly achievements of Korean researchers in the AI era discussing the contribution of related studies to Korea and the world remain understudied.
The Korean American University Professors Association (KAUPA), established in 1986, is planning to host a conference to bridge this gap in January 2026 with a grant. By harnessing its abundant resources, KAUPA endeavors to delve into the profound impact of AI on Korean society and its global implications. The funding committee of KAUPA will submit a proposal to the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) for a grant by September 2024. If awarded, the grant will support the conference (participant and venue costs) and publication. Selected authors will be invited to the conference.


The funding committee is soliciting contributions from KAUPA scholars and researchers across various disciplines to analyze the issues, uses, and impacts of AI on social change, with a focus on Korean perspectives. This call is open to all disciplines related to AI studies about Korea. The final versions of the papers will be published in an edited book for broader dissemination. The conference on January 23, 2026, will celebrate KAUPA’s 40th anniversary, offering authors a venue to present their work. Potential authors can write an abstract in one of the five disciplinary categories: 1) Law, Liberal Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education, 2) Business, Finance, and Economics, 3) Engineering, 4) Science, and 5) Medicine and Public Health.

Possible Topics and Formats:

Problem-solving with Artificial Intelligence in the Korean context.
Ethical, practical, legal, political, and social implications of AI development and deployment in Korea.
AI applications in music, arts, communication, history, language, education, healthcare, engineering, science, business, economics, tourism, law, public policy, government, politics, athletics, public health, medicine, computer science, mechanical engineering, and other disciplines in Korea.
Collaborative interdisciplinary approaches in AI research in Korea.
Creative works such as art and music performances with AI technology in Korea.
Comparative studies between the US and Korea.
Systematic literature analysis of AI topics and disciplines in Korea.
Meta-analysis of AI studies on Korea and its global impact.
Empirical research with human subject data in AI and Korea.
Content analysis of big data in AI and Korea.


Submission Guidelines:

Submit abstracts (one page, single-spaced, 12 Times New Roman font size; no tables or figures; title page and references not counted to one page) for review by the committee before the August 15, 2024, deadline in pdf format to
Include author information on the title page and references.
AKS will announce awardees in December 2024. If awarded, all selected abstract authors will write full papers, which will be presented at the conference and published in an edited book. Selected abstracts will be announced after the grant award results in January 2025.
Travel expenses up to $1,000 per attendee will be supported by the grant if awarded. A total of 45 participants will receive a travel fund for conference attendance. If necessary, the conference planning committee will limit the number of invitations for each paper.
Presentations at the conference can take various formats, such as verbal presentations, demonstrations, musical performances, and art exhibits.
• For inquiries, please contact

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